About Big Idea Project
We exist to unleash the potential of students

Where it all began…
Like all great (and big) ideas, the Big Idea Project started small. The founders, Tricia and a local high school teacher, embraced and shared the belief in the potential of our next generation to do good, more good than any generation before them.
The teacher knew that leaders are not taught, but made. He knew that no amount of curriculum or traditional classwork would draw out the leadership potential of students. Convinced and driven to make leaders, in 2009, he created the first iteration of Big Idea Project for his students at Columbine High School.
A few years later, Tricia transformed Big Idea Project into a non-profit organization, making the experience available to other schools and students.
The high school teacher’s creative spark, and Tricia’s visionary leadership, made Big Idea Project something that changed our schools, communities and businesses.
Pioneering a better way to learn…
We provided schools with a comprehensive leadership development program that went beyond academic skills and met the needs of the whole student, equipping them for life beyond the classroom.

Transforming the way students learned
Our proven model used service learning as a tool for learning, in parallel with highly relevant content. Students observed the world around them to identify an issue that negatively impacts others. They then worked together in teams to be the solution.
As they worked in and outside of the classroom, they grew as people. They saw the world from a new perspective. They learned skills such as responsibility, communication and project management. They recognized what it means to care for themselves and others. They recognized their value and found meaning in their work.
How the Capstone Project Worked

A Big Idea
Teams of 3-4 identified a social problem they cared about and came up with a way to help solve it

Business Coach
Together with a business coach, teams created a plan for taking action

Students had the semester to work their plan and make their Big Idea come to life

At the end of the semester, teams created a storytelling video and presented their results

Real World Relevance
Students created a real world portfolio to use with future employers and schools. Winning teams received college scholarships.
Together, in community
We brought together classrooms, companies and local communities under one vision: to develop our nation’s future generous leaders.
Students learned from influencers, mentors and change agents. They worked with local organizations to advance worthy causes and learned from business leaders the skills and mindsets needed for future careers. Concurrently, teachers leveraged a deeper network of support and collaborative relationships to usher in new levels of innovation in the classroom.
We all won.
Generous Leadership®
Abundantly giving of yourself so others may be better people who do better work.
Created by the founder of Big Idea Project, the Generous Leadership® paradigm was the foundation for all student learning. BIP students were transformed through experiences to view the world through lenses of empathy, selflessness and action. See for yourself how Generous Leadership® looks and sounds from a student who was transformed by her work with Big Idea Project.
The result?
Students became confident, compassionate, and innovative leaders!